Take these 6 easy 30-60 minute steps to actively manage your cash flow

Take these 6 easy 30-60 minute steps to actively manage your cash flow

50% of businesses fail by their 5th year. 82% of those failed businesses say it is because of cash flow. ~ Small Business Administration What the heck is cash flow?! Cash flow for a business is critical to keeping your business going, paying your employees on time, and making sure you have your product available…

Successfully managing a business through inflation

Successfully managing a business through inflation

Inflation sucks, let’s be real. It means paying attention to your costs to do business as well as increasing costs for your customers. As a business leader if you have not already done so, you’re thinking about raising the price of your products and services. Whether you run an inventory based business where the costs…

How To Improve Your Cash Flow & Cash Conversion Cycle

How To Improve Your Cash Flow & Cash Conversion Cycle

We have all heard “cash is king”.  If there is anything more crucial to a growing business than profit, it is liquidity.  While profitability can be manipulated on the balance sheet, your cash is discrete and finite.  Investors and banks know this; as a result, they will use your cash position to determine your business’…